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Outsource your payroll management to ARJEE and receive the dedicated services of a Payroll Specialist. We will take care of everything from data entry to statutory remittances throughout Canada. With us, your payroll will never take a break - trust us to manage it all.

Preparing Payroll Checks

Our expert team accurately calculates and prepares payroll checks for your employees, taking into account factors such as salary, overtime, deductions, and taxes.

Year-End Closing and Issuing T4s

At the end of the fiscal year, we assist in the year-end closing process, including reconciling payroll accounts and preparing T4 slips for your employees. T4s provide a summary of employment income and deductions for the year and are required for tax filing purposes.

Direct Deposit Facility through All Canadian Banks

We facilitate direct deposit services, allowing you to conveniently and securely deposit employee salaries directly into their bank accounts. This eliminates the need for physical checks and provides a faster and more convenient payment method.

Filing WSIB Returns, EHT Returns, Payroll Information Returns, etc.

We take care of filing various payroll-related returns and reports, such as Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) returns, Employer Health Tax (EHT) returns, and Payroll Information Returns (e.g., T4 Summary). This ensures compliance with provincial and federal regulations.

Payroll Remittance to Government

We handle the remittance of payroll taxes, including income tax, Canada Pension Plan (CPP), and Employment Insurance (EI) contributions, ensuring compliance with government regulations and deadlines.

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